Terms and Conditions

Hereafter after you are referred to as "Client".

CambodiaPI.com and its operatives are hereby authorized to conduct an investigation of the person named in your inquiry. You hereby certify that you have no intent to cause physical harm or cause personal injury or damage to said party named in your inquiry.

Terms of service

1. Client authorizes CambodiaPI.com to conduct an investigation specifically explained in the case inquiry form. Client agrees to all fees agreed upon for that investigation. As such, client agrees that CambodiaPI.com is empowered to perform said services for and on behalf of the client, and to do all things necessary, appropriate, or advisable in performing said services for and in the best interests of client.

2. All CambodiaPI.com contact information including telephone numbers, email, instant messenger communication (including but not limited to: Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, et al.), and written information provided to the client, is strictly confidential and shall not to be disclosed to anyone without prior written consent from CambodiaPI.com.

3. No illegal services will be knowingly provided by CambodiaPI.com. Client certifies that he/she is not knowingly requesting illegal services. CambodiaPI.com reserves the right to decline or terminate without advance notice any assignment it deems to be illegal or unethical or in agency’s sole opinion detrimental to the agency. CambodiaPI.com reserves the right to cancel the investigation without notice if circumstances create an unsafe environment for the operative.

4. No warranties or guaranties: Neither CambodiaPI.com nor its partners or associates make any warranties or guaranties as to the success of the investigation, research or other matters of question. Due to the nature of investigative work, no warranties or guaranties can be given as to the success or quality of the results achieved. The client understands that surveillance and investigations by their nature are limited by time and resources and available information. The information obtained may not be that which is desired or in the favor of the client.

5. Period of Service:
This agreement is valid for the investigation period of 7 days (or other agreed term of service) or until any incriminating evidence is obtained or until such time as it is canceled by either party by written notice to terminate the agreement. No termination shall prejudice agency rights to collect payment for services completed prior to the termination of this agreement.

6. Responsibility to Cooperate:
Client agrees to timely actions and produce information as is reasonably necessary to carry out the scope of this agreement. Client is not allowed to accompany investigators during an investigation. Unauthorized client participation will result in immediate cancellation and forfeiture of all fees.

7. Access to and protection of Client’s confidential Information:
CambodiaPI.com acknowledges that in the course of this agreement it shall have access to confidential and proprietary information of the client and agrees not to disclose any information without prior consent. Any information obtained as a result of the investigation will be released to the client or his designated representative and will otherwise remain confidential information.

a. “Confidential information” shall not include such information as is or becomes part of the public domain through no action of CambodiaPI.com. The client is responsible to safeguard the information provided from unauthorized third party disclosure.

b. You hereby certify that you authorize CambodiaPI.com to act on your behalf to gather information and this information is private and confidential and is not authorized to be viewed by anyone except for you CambodiaPI.com management and the operative conducting the investigation.

9. All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. No exceptions. If you agree to start a case and pay the fee and then change your mind or cancel the investigation no fees or partial fees paid to us will be refunded. No rescheduling is allowed.


This being our agreement, I hereby authorize this investigation and agree to the terms and conditions listed herein. I hereby certify and affirm that the information supplied in this inquiry form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge at this time. I further represent and affirm that I am authorized to order and pay for this assignment. I understand that my knowingly supplying false or misleading information may result in my case being rejected and/or terminated. I will forfeit any and all fees that may be paid to agency pertaining to this case if any information is discovered to be false, misleading, or compromising the ethical and/or legal obligations of agency in the sole opinion of agency.

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